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0 Some Annoying Orange Pictures 0

I keep hearing noises behind me but I can\'t see what it is. Hmm...oh well.
I keep hearing noises behind me but I can\'t see what it is. Hmm...oh well.
Hey Deget...Vuvuzela! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Hey Deget...Vuvuzela! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Hit the like button if you laughed at me using a jetpack!
Hit the like button if you laughed at me using a jetpack!
I\'m Darth Orange!!! HAHAHAHAHA!
I\'m Darth Orange!!! HAHAHAHAHA!
My future is so bright I have to wear shades! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
My future is so bright I have to wear shades! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Comments • 1

zMileyzFan 29 July 2010  
Wow!Nice pics
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